Recording Facilities
With hundreds of active musicians clamoring for recordings of their performances, it's no wonder that Rex Anderson, director of the Audio and Video services Department for the School of Music, willingly trains and supervises a staff of six part-time technicians. He also oversees the production of Compact Discs for both live events and recording sessions, PA/sound reinforcement setups for concerts, and the enormous archive of recordings held by the Music Library. Recording services are provided to all School of Music students, faculty and ensembles, ranging from Chip McNeill with the Jazz Bands to the Symphony Orchestra, the Choral Department and the University Bands. However frantic a pace Anderson maintains, he guarantees that all performances in the Music Building, Smith Hall, and the four theaters of Krannert Center for the Performing Arts are recorded for posterity. The Audio Department has a world-class microphone collection, including recently refurbished vintage Neumann tube mics and a large assortment models from Schoeps, Sennheiser and Shure. The staff works with hard-disk, digital multitrack recorders and a Digital Audio Workstation using Sequoia, a PC-based program for multirack mixing, editing, and mastering. Rex's 30 years experience as an audio engineer insures that the recordings and concert productions meet the highest professional standards. Krannert Center maintains a second staff and audio engineer to look after the guest artists it engages. Now it’s up to you to supply performances worth saving. For more information go to the Audio Services Page.